Best Halwa, Poori, Aaloo and Chana Recipe

If there is one thing that I miss about Karachi on the weekends, it is Burns Road ki Halwa Poori and Aaloo. Since I moved to USA, because of that craving, I tried many recipes and have mastered it. This HAS to be on the menu on Brunch Dawats at my place and even my [...]

Chicken Maryland Recipe – Best Kind of Fried Chicken

Chicken Maryland Recipe - Best Kind of Fried Chicken is one of the dishes that my kids and husband absolutely LOVE! Its a famous recipe within the Navy Chefs in Pakistan and was handed down to me by one of them. You can also watch the video of this recipe at: This Recipe starts with [...]

The BEST recipe for Kari Pakora!!

I have tried so many different versions of Kari Pakora, but this one HAS TO BE MY FAVORITE ONE SO FAR! Thanks to my Sabin Maami, in the UK who very lovingly shared this recipe with me while I was living in London for studies. I used to love her Kari, I made a few [...]

How to Make Singaporean Rice

Singaporean Rice is a rich and flavorful dish with a lot of layers! none of the layers are repeated but a lot of things go on top of each other to make an amazing combination and mouthwatering taste. I don’t know why is it called Singapore Rice (as I didn’t find anything like this in [...]

Best Moistest Carrot Cake

Best Moist Carrot Cake Recipe EVER!

If you are like most people, you might think that carrot cake is not your thing, but if you will try this moist-est carrot CAKE, it will turn into your favorite cake! Real carrots are used in it, and with the cream cheese frosting on top of it with a hint of cinnamon, IT WILL [...]