Things that I miss the most about Pakistan

As much as people think that living in America is blessing (which most of the times it is!) but there are times when you seriously miss your home.

1. You miss your Parents way too much

While Skype and video calling have definitely decreased the distances emotionally but there are times when you want to spend time with your parents, you want to hug them or just feel they touch. Every time I visit my Parents I feel that they have gotten old and hate the fact that I can’t be of any help to them physically.

2. The big old clan – even if you hate it, you miss it

Whether your family is full of dramas and fights or not, you tend to miss it. Specially during times like Eid. Also, you miss the fact that your children miss that special bonding with their cousins like you did in your childhood. I remember spending my weekends at my Phopho’s and vice versa (yes, I am one of the luck few Pakistanis who have genuinely nice (read: the best) phophos).

3. The food!

Wherever you are living outside of Pakistan, NOTHING can beat the desi taste. I am big on food and I am yet to taste anything like the traditional Pakistani cuisine anywhere in the world. Nothing beats Pakistani food scene. Come on, where can you find those burns road ki halwa puri, the thelay wale (Ganday wale) fries and dhorajee ka ganda?!! Plus, everything is freakin halal !!

4. Clothes

No matter how many estores open for clothing, and living in Dallas (I do find a lot of options of buying desi clothes here too), still nothing compares to Pakistani shopping scene. Be it liberty in Lahore, or Gulf/Ashiana in Karachi, or Zamzama’s designer boutiques, the bazaars, the humongous collection of the most beautiful clothes at affordable rates is unbeatable.

5. House help

I gotta be honest, I guess I miss my house help the most. (I am not proud of it most but before shaadi, my only focus was studies and job and I didn’t used to do any house work at all. Only a little baking, that too whenever I wanted to). Here from groceries, to cooking, cleaning, sometimes even gardening, everything has to be done.

6. Ramadan and Chaand raats’

I know that Ramadan and Chand raats’ are for ibadah’ but the Ramadan feel that comes in Pakistan is undoubtedly the best. There is something in the air in Ramadan, everything suddenly becomes pious (and I am not talking about the TV anchors weirdly covering their heads).

7. Eid

Alhamdolilah we have a lot of friends here, but Eid is a time when you wanna stay close to your family. Yes, you are making new traditions for your family (adulting), but you miss going to Eid prayers in the morning, then the Eid nashta, and the best part Eidi.

8. Azaan

Thanks to technology that we do get Azaans everywhere on the mobiles, but listening to the Azaan physically is definitely an amazing experience and how it’s supposed to be. I cherish it now when I go back for visits.



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